Our story begins in 2005, when an industry visionary called a dozen seasoned insurance professionals from across the Midwest to discuss how to best and fairly serve agents who were unable to successfully go “independent” due to carrier appointment restrictions, and be better equipped to serve their clients and communities.
Unlike any other solution previously unavailable at the time; that group decided traditional business models and concurrent control MGA’s exerted over young and struggling agencies – was unacceptable! Until SIMG came along, lack of fair commissions, instant quoting and binding authority, and no writing agent identity on issued policies; were real barriers to quick growth and fair compensation for agents struggling to be successful in their chosen profession and more visible in their community.
Incorporated in 2006 with the initial intent to focus upon providing new and smaller agencies with direct appointment access to carriers looking to expand in the Baby Boomer and older client market; we soon discovered overwhelming demand for agents seeking traditional client service and direct carrier appointments, regardless of agency size or client demographic. Carriers too, were looking for better and more efficient delivery mechanism for personal client based service, with the benefit of single distribution points. It was those demands that moved us to provide the unique business model and direct company access that our agents and their clients enjoy today!
SIMG owner/managers come directly from agency and company representative environments. Our experience ranges from: being “captive” with a direct writer; a life agent wishing to make P&C available to clients; small agency owners growing through merger and successful service based expansion; starting from “scratch,” being an employee of a larger agency; internal placement and producer specialists, owning and operating a Managing General Agency; carrier field representatives; and company senior management.
We know the business from every perspective, and know both struggles and opportunities with being an Independent Agent. We understand the problems of being a captive agent, of being controlled by MGA’s, and not receiving fair compensation for agents’ true added value with their clients and associated relationships.
Take a look at us, our philosophy, and our stories. Get a hold of any SIMG owner/operator. We will be glad to help you and your clients with the right companies, at the right time, with the right service.